@dinoabsoluto / documenter

@dinoabsoluto/documenter package

See simple for a preview.


Function Description
generateDocuments() Generate documents from .api.json files.


Interface Description
Options Describe options for generateDocuments().

generateDocuments() function

Unstable: beta

Generate documents from .api.json files.

export declare function generateDocuments(modelFiles: string[], options: Options): Promise<void>


Parameter Type Description
modelFiles string[] Array of .api.json files.
options Options Generation options.

Return value

Return a promise which resolve to undefined on completion.

Options interface

Unstable: beta

Describe options for generateDocuments().

export interface Options 


Property Type Description
depth number Set the maximum depth of breadcrumb navigation.
extraFiles Map<string, string> Extra files.
frontMatter (fpath: string) => object Front matter generator.
outDir string Output directory, files within maybe deleted.

Options.depth property

Set the maximum depth of breadcrumb navigation.

depth?: number

Options.extraFiles property

Extra files.

extraFiles?: Map<string, string>

Options.frontMatter property

Front matter generator.

frontMatter?: (fpath: string) => object


Parameter Description
fpath Path of input file.

Return value

Return an object representing the front matter.

Options.outDir property

Output directory, files within maybe deleted.

outDir: string